Scarecrow Trail 2023
The Scarecrows returned in 2023, thank you to everyone who took part – we sold over 200 entry sheets. Thank you also to those who made and / or displayed one of our 40 Scarecrows, without you this event could not have taken place. We really do appreciate all your efforts!
More very grateful thanks should go to:
- Print Clever – for printing all our entry sheets
- The Lighthouse Bookshop, Allen & Harris, Saracen’s Head and Visit Highworth – for selling the entry sheets for us.
- Andrews Butchers, TT Linnet and Highworth Emporium – for supplying us with some prizes.
Your support means we have been able to run a community event enjoyed by perhaps 1000 people and raised £530 for Scouting in Highworth!
Now that Easter is over for another year we can release the titles of the Scarecrows (see below) and the winner of our 2023 trail here!

37. WW1 Christmas Truce 1914
The winners for 2023 are:
- Most correct answers – Mattea Stanley (All correct)
- Best scarecrow – 37 (WW1 Christmas Truce 1914)
- Draw from the rest – Janice Probets
Well done to everyone who took part.
The weather was a little mixed this year, but I hope everyone had a fabulous time deciphering the scarecrows.
Personally, I feel that our theme was not so child friendly, apologies for that, although we did have a quote from one participant ‘I hope that maybe it encouraged dialog between generations!’
Perhaps if you have a thought for a Scarecrow theme then please do email us at by end of August 2023.
- Gerry Halliwell (Spice Girls) Brit Awards 1997 (Highworth Library)
- Highworth Market Charter (Highworth Town Council Offices)
- Concorde’s first flight (38 High St)
- The big bang (12 Sheep St)
- Lionesses winning the Euros 2022 (Solo Lash & Nail Bar)
- Nelson Mandela being freed (The Old Bakery)
- Halley’s Comet (Visit Highworth)
- Guy Fawkes (Bloomfields)
- Publication of the first Harry Potter book (The Old Bakery)
- Extinction of the Dodos (Highworth Physio)
- Roger Bannister breaks 4 minute mile (Andrews Butchers)
- 2012 Olympics – London (Samuel Miles)
- The first Chelsea Flower show (Highworth Flowers)
- Rescue of the 33 Chilean Miners (Director’s Cut)
- Civil War / Highworth Church hit by cannonball (Hanley’s)
- Invention of the Typewriter (Weigh It Up)
- Live Aid concert (Highworth Travel)
- Launch of the iPhone (Smart’s Fish & Chip shop)
- Collapse of the Berlin Wall (Richard James)
- Boston Tea Party (TT Linnet’s)
- Tim Berners-Lee, invention of WWW (Allen & Harris)
- Decimalisation (Dandelion Financial)
- Creation of the Red Arrows (Two’s Company)
- The signing of the Magna Carta (Oak Dr)
- Votes for Women! (Cricklade Rd)
- The Great Fire of London (Oak Dr)
- Invention of the X-Ray (Stapleton Cl)
- First women in space (Stapleton Cl)
- England winning the World Cup 1966 (Rivers Way)
- The Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull 2010 (Westrop Sch)
- First summit of Everest (Crane Furlong)
- First man on the Moon (Westrop)
- Coronation of Elizabeth II (Hilliers funeral Service)
- Covid 19 / corona virus pandemic (Wessex Way)
- 1903 first Wright Brothers flight (Spa Cl)
- WWI 1914 Christmas Truce (Priory Gn)
- Ted Jefferies (Scout on rollerskates takes messages for Coleshill in WW2) (Priory Gn)
- 1665 Black Death / Bubonic plague (Biddel Sp)
- Opening of the Channel tunnel (The Willows)
- Rosa Parks on the bus (The Willows)
How many did you get right? You can see all of the entries in our gallery (for your ease – they are in numerical order).
Watch out for updates about our 2024 Scarecrow trail! We expect this to be held from 30 March-14 April 2024. Look out for information in The Link magazine and on social media early in 2024.