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Hike in the dark? Wrde Cubs did!

Date: 25th Feb 2017 Author: Scout Websites
<Wrde Cubs had an adventure last night after being dropped off at Coleshill at 8pm, we had to hike our way back to the Scout Hut; where we enjoyed a film and a hot chocolate.

During our hike we got very muddy, we made an attempt at calling for owls by blowing through our cupped hands, and we conquered jumping over rivers (only a few of us got wet feet!)

We arrived back at the Scout Hut shortly after 9:30pm, with many tired cubs (who of course eagerly wanted to stay up to watch the film – Shark Tale) and a great deal of mud. After discovering that some sharks are vegetarian (but certainly not all of them), the Cubs were in bed and asleep by 11pm. A wake up call was provided by the Cubs for the leaders at 7am prompt, after which we finished watching the movie and had a bacon butty before it was time to head home!

The cubs and leaders all had a fantastic time and we look forward to getting stuck back into our normal programme next week where we are working towards the scientist badge!

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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