Brownsea Island 2021
Wrde and Vorda Cubs have finally managed to have our bi-annual trip to Brownsea Island! After we initially had to cancel the event in 2020, we were really excited to be able to go this year! The below reports have been written by a few of our Cubs who attended the weekend. Thanks to Alfie, Caireen, Koko and Oscar for their contributions to the article!
You can view more pictures of our trip by visiting our gallery!
Friday, 1st October
On Friday, we waved our farewells to our families and set off on our cub weekend away. When we arrived at the cub hut, we had hot chocolate and cakes before settling down for bed.
Saturday, 2nd October
On Saturday morning, we woke up in a scout hut in Poole. We also had our first meal together the leaders made bacon butties and cereal and it was yummy.
When we were ready, we all piled into the vans and set off for the tank museum. On arrival, we were each given a book to mark stamps of extraordinary places then we went through a doorway and got to walk through a replica of the trenches and there were realistic fake corpses. A few minutes later, we got to go inside some of the tanks. When we were inside them it looked awesome, but it smelt like gas and rusted metal!
I really liked the Warhorse exhibit the best because it had other animals in too. The worst part was the smelling hole which had a smell of mucking out from stables – yuk! – Cairenn
Near the end there was a board with toy soldiers that we could use to play replica war which we all did. After we finished playing, we went into the gift shop, and it was really cool!
On the way to the park on the road was a fallen down tree, and the leaders, with someone from another car, lifted the tree up to the side of the road so we could pass. Part of the park was closed off with tape but we still had a lot of places to go. It was raining really hard but it was fun being out splashing about in waterproofs. We all loved the slide because it was really wet, and we went really fast!
instead of turning around, all of our leaders got out of the vans and moved the tree – which was impressive. – Alfie
That night we had a movie night and made some friendship bracelets. The movie was “UP!” and we got to sleep in rows next to our friends. I would love to go again and have another adventure with the cubs. Since returning, I have shown my Mum how to make them and now we are making them for friends and family.
Sunday, 3rd October
My time at Brownsea Island was very fun and exciting. I liked going on the ferry and when we got there all saw a peacock: it followed us and it was a male. Then we went on a walk to the real scouting stone, it was very big!
After that we all invested some new cubs into our Cub pack. Next we went to the scout shop. We ate lunch by the shop and we went into the shop. We all bought stuff, I bought a shiny new woggle and a present for my mum and I spent nearly all my money.
Unfortunately I didn’t get to see any red squirrels but some of my friends did but I did get to see lots of eye catching views and a deer which was spectacular. – Oscar
We then went to the cool adventure playground, but it was a little cold, and some things were hard to climb. After Brownsea Island, we returned to the Minibus to travel home.
When we were halfway back two warning lights came on, so basically we broke down on the M4. We had to wait for a long time till the AA van came. We got some help from the highway police and they got us some foil blankets as it was very cold. We came back in the other Minibus and went home. I was very, very tired.
I had an incredible time away with the cubs and hope to go on another trip again. A huge thanks to all the leaders for organising the trip and making it enjoyable.