Minibus Guidelines
The running costs for 2018/19 were around £3000 (after income from donations from those who have borrowed the minibuses).
How do we expect to fund this….
- For local journeys – to Badbury, Cuckoos Pen etc then the exec cover the cost.
- For longer journeys and chargeable activities – like trips to Rockstar, weekend camps and so on; then we expect a donation to help cover the costs.
How much – we have left it to the sections, as the income from events varies – and we want the minibuses to be used even if they aren’t full (eg supporting a group hiking) Fewer users = smaller donation…
Let our treasurer know how much of the income is for the minibus.
Fill Up with Diesel.
- For Longer journeys – If it looks low when you start, fill up at the start and charge this back to the group. When you return, fill up again.
- Shorter… it doesn’t make sense… so don’t.
Clean the minibus after use… minimum should be picking litter, left bags, clothing etc. And there is a brush to sweep out… or use vacuum cleaner from the hut. Don’t leave it for someone else.
Report Faults – don’t leave for the next people to find. Use the contact us form to let us know.
Kit in an unattended minibus is not insured.
No D1 licence? You can drive the new minibus on your normal car license. Start the process using our contact us form!
Price Guidelines:
- When we lend out a minibus we generally get a donation of at least £50/day, £100/weekend, £250/week.
- Commercial costs are much higher… £180/day, Weekend £360, Week £500